Civil Aviation Directorate
of the Republic of Serbia - 22.10.2024 00:22:23

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Тhe Directorate
The Civil Aviation Directorate of the Republic of Serbia (hereinafter in the text: Directorate) is a public agency, the founder’s rights over which are exercised by the Government on behalf of the Republic of Serbia, and which performs the About state administration activities entrusted to it by law.
The legal status of Directorate has been defined in the Air Transport Law (“Official Gazette of RS”, Nos 73/10, 57/11, 93/12, 45/15, 66/15- by other law, 83/18 and 9/20).
Directorate enacts the regulations and individual legal acts in the first instance when entrusted so by law, issues public identification documents, maintains the records, performs the audit and inspection of aviation entities, participates in the work of international civil aviation organizations and institutions and their working bodies, and cooperates with competent authorities of other countries and exercises other functions under the said law or other regulations.
Article 265 of the Air Traffic Law stipulates that notwithstanding the regulations for the enactment of which the Directorate is empowered, the Directorate shall adopt the regulations in the domain of aviation contained in Annex I to the Multilateral Agreement on the Establishment of a European Common Aviation Area (the ECAA Agreement).
Directorate is the National Supervisory Authority of the Republic of Serbia in the area of air navigation, in accordance with EU regulations and as such issues the Certificates of competency for provision of air navigation services and assesses if the air navigation services providers continue to fulfill the prescribed conditions.
By means of the Law on Obligations and the Basics of the Property Relations in Air Transport (“Official Gazette of RS”, Nos 87/11 and 66/15) Directorate is also entrusted with functions of oversight on the implementation of the provision of the said Law guaranteeing certain rights of disabled persons and persons with reduced mobility and availability of information to those persons about their rights.

Historical background on the establishment of the Directorate
Directorate has been established in the legal form of the public agency in 2010, by enacting the said Air Transport Law.
Nevertheless, prior to the enaction of this law, Directorate had functions entrusted to it by the Decision on the Establishment of the Civil Aviation Directorate of the state of Serbia and the state of Montenegro (“Official Gazette of RS”, No 102/03 and “Official Gazette of Montenegro No 61/03) enacted in identical text by the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Government of Montenegro. By virtue of the said Decision, Directorate has been established as the joint body of those two States.  

After Montenegro broke away from the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro, the Government of the Republic of Serbia brought the Decision on the Exercise of the Founding Rights in the Civil Aviation Directorate of the State of Serbia and the State of Montenegro (“Official Gazette of RS”, Nos 53/06) and then in 2007, the separate Conclusion has been brought modifying the name of the body into the “Civil Aviation Directorate of the Republic of Serbia”.